Opportunities to Increase Participation in Michigan's Maternal Infant Health Program

Robin Jacob, Megan Foster Friedman
Key Findings:
  1. Michigan’s Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP) currently enrolls less than 30% of all eligible individuals across the state. Among MIHP enrollees, only about 60% participate “fully,” meaning they enrolled prenatally and received at least three home visits.

  2. Increasing MIHP’s take-up and retention can help more parents access vital prenatal and post-partum support.

  3. Lack of awareness is a major barrier to MIHP enrollment. Various systems-level activities to promote awareness of home visiting could help ensure eligible beneficiaries know these services are available to them.

  4. Many MIHP participants cited scheduling conflicts as a reason for ending MIHP early. Others said they did not sign up for MIHP because they did not want someone coming into their home. Incorporating additional flexibility into MIHP’s model of service delivery – for example, by expanding the use of virtual visits, offering more flexible visiting hours, and encouraging home visitors to meet with individuals in locations outside of the home – may help overcome these barriers to enrollment and participation.

70% of non-participants said they were not told about MIHP during their most recent pregnancy.” Page 8